Services provided
As part of the facilitation, ANAPI provides various services to investors before, during and after their establishment.
Services offered prior to installation of the investor
Accompaniment in Kinshasa and provinces in prospecting mission.
Services offered during installation
- Facilitations to investors seeking land (premises) and connection to water and electricity network ;
- Assistance in obtaining settlement visas ;
- Support to obtain special licenses (Mines, Banks, Telecommunications, air transport, etc.) ;
- Support for the setting up of companies ;
- Granting of customs, fiscal and para-fiscal benefits.
Customs, fiscal and para-fiscal benefits
Types of benefits :
- Exemption from income tax ;
- Exemption from property tax ;
- Exemption from import duties on equipment and materials ;
- Exemption from export duties of finished products.
Duration of benefits
- Economic Region A (Kinshasa) : 3 years from operating period ;
- Economic Region B (Bas-Congo, Lubumbashi, Likasi and Kolwezi) : 4 years ;
- Economic Region C (the rest of Provinces and Cities of the Country) : 5 years
Services offered after establishment
- Advocacy with State departments ;
- Information on tenders issued by the Government ;
- Intervention in case of difficulties with the Congolese authorities
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