What are the major short-term measures taken by the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo on the sidelines of the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in favor of the economy in general and businesses in particular ?
The main measures taken are as follows:
- Suspension for a period of three months of the collection of domestic VAT on the production and sale of basic necessities upon signature of the Decree by His Excellency the Prime Minister;
- Suspension, for a period of 3 months, of all tax control missions on the spot, except for cases of flagrante delicto affecting the interests of the Public Treasury, and this, after having previously referred the matter to His Excellency the Minister of Finance;
- Suspension of actions for the forced collection of tax arrears;
- Taking into account as a deductible expense in the accounting result of the financial year 2020, the contributions of companies to the Fund to support the response. These expenses must be justified by the documents listed in the current Tax Law;
- Exemption for a period of six months from all taxes, duties, fees and charges on the import and sale of pharmaceutical products and medical equipment.
- Suspension for a period of three months of the application of penalties in the event of delay in the customs clearance of goods and basic necessities, of the payment of tax on rental income to be paid by companies, and of certain fiscal, parafiscal and economic control missions in companies, etc.
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