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Democratic Republic of the Congo

Ministry of Planning

National Investment Promotion Agency


What exemptions are granted to investors under the Investment Code, the Mining Code and the Agricultural Law?

Types of benefits granted under the Investment Code

  • Exemption from income tax;
  • Exemption from property tax;
  • Exemption from import duties on equipment and other materials;
  • Exemption from exit duties on finished products.

In addition, SMEs and SMIs benefit from the specific advantages set out below:

  • Exemption of entry fees for second-hand equipment and other materials;
  • Exemption from import duties on industrial inputs necessary for the implementation of the approved investment;
  • SMEs and SMIs admitted to the General Regime of the Code are authorized, on the one hand, to deduct from their taxable profit, the sums spent on training, further training of the head of company or his staff, protection and conservation of nature and, on the other hand, to calculate their depreciation according to a digressive mode;
  • Calculation of depreciation on a declining-balance basis.

Types of benefits granted under the Mining Code

  • Customs benefits
    • Total exemption from customs duties on the export of commercial products;
    • Payment of fees and royalties for services rendered on export within the limit of 1%;
    • Customs duties at 2% before the actual exploitation of the mine, and 5% after;
    • Customs duties of 3% on fuels, lubricants, reagents and consumables.
  • Tax benefits
    • Exemption from property tax;
    • Exemption from vehicle tax and special road traffic tax.
    • Exemption from personal property tax;
    • Taxation at the rate of 10% of dividends; 30% of the rate of tax on profits and profits;
    • 10% of the rate of the exceptional tax on expatriates’ remuneration (IERE).
  • Types of benefits under the Farm Act
    • Deduction from the taxable base of the charges relating to the maintenance of the road section linking the farm concession to the public highway.
    • Preferential tariff in favor of farmers in the consumption of water, electrical energy and petroleum products.
    • Authorization to set up a tax-exempt provision not exceeding 3% of the turnover for the financial year, for the purpose of rehabilitating exploitable arable land and preventing major risks and agricultural disasters.