French English

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Ministry of Planning

National Investment Promotion Agency



County town: KOLWEZI

Area: 121,308 km2

Population: 2,570,000 inhabitants

Opportunities related to valuable resources


Valuable resources

Types of industries to develop or establish

Agro industry

Maize, Cassava, Rice, Peanut, Aie, Potato Cows, fish at SAN- DOA in the rivers LU- LUA, LUBILANJI, as well as in the Congo river at Kol- wezi, broiler and laying chicken

Wood in Sandoa

Dehydrators (drying units), rice mill, potato chips production units, biofuel production unit, modern slaughterhouses, delicatessens, mineral water production units, fish smoking units, chicken production units flesh and eggs

Materials building

Gravel, sand, marble, rubble stone, wood

Aggregate units, modern carpentry, tile production unit

Valuation mining and metallurgical cal

Already exploited: Copper, Co-balt, Gold, Manganese,

To be exploited: Gold, Uranium

Gold and uranium mining units.

Copper, cobalt and manganese ore recovery units;

Units for metallurgical recovery of materials

copper sulfides and oxides;

Units for the enhancement of artisanal production and of cupro-cobalt ores

Recovery units for white copper alloy - co-balt;

Units for industrial copper applications.

Sources: developed by CEPI using data from provincial delegates

Other opportunities

  • Existence of NZILO 1 and 2 and NSEKE hydroelectric plants:
  • A hydroelectric power station is under construction: BUSANGA power station
  • Hydroelectric sites identified at KAFWANKUMBA, KAYEMBE MUKULU and on the LUEU river;
  • ITS GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION: Province neighboring with Angola and Zambia;
  • Possibility of producing packaging in


  • Ferralsols
  • Areno-ferrals
  • Hydro-koalisols
  • Recent tropical soils
  • Tropical black earth on alluvium


  • Dense forest
  • Clear Forest (Miombo)
  • Savannah woodland
  • Meadow