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Democratic Republic of the Congo

Ministry of Planning

National Investment Promotion Agency



1. Legal framework

This Sector is fully liberalized and open to the private sector by Law n°18/016 of 09 July 2018 relating to the Public Private Partnership (PPP).

2. Sectoral assets

Infrastructure is one of the priorities of the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Considerable efforts are being made to rehabilitate and modernize the country’s basic infrastructure in order to consolidate the country’s economic integration.

The DRC has several assets in the infrastructure sector, including the following:

  • National road network: 152,400 km of which + 2% are paved;
  • Roads of general interest: 58,125 km of which +19.5% in good condition.
  • Railways: 5.033 Km of which +95% is to be modernized or rehabilitated;
  • Sea, river and lake waterways: 16,238 km to be marked, dredged and exploited for the most part;
  • Runways: 500, of which 101 are open to public traffic and 4 to international traffic (Kinshasa, Lubumbashi, Kisangani and Goma), most of which require rehabilitation and modernization;

Ultra-priority road network map